Monday 14 January 2019

G1 New UOI: Dance

As part of the transdisciplinary theme, "How We Express Ourselves", G1 learners are starting an inquiry into the movement composition, most specifically, dance.

Last week, first graders shared their wonders about this unit and they chose if they wanted to write them down on the board or if they preferred me to write them down for them.

After addressing the questions together we started our warm-up following some dances from Coach Pirillo and getting really energized for the lesson.

The focus of the lesson was to inquire and learn about one of the elements of dance: Space.

We talked about the big, medium, and small space and the concepts of pathways and directions.
G1 learners drew imaginary straight, curved, and zig-zag lines on the air to show their understanding of pathways. They also thought of the possible directions they could go to, forward, backward, sideways.

After a few minutes picturing their pathway and drawing an imaginary map on the gym, learners started to move their bodies as they listened to the music and used the whole space (big) of the gym.

They understood that space is an important element of dance and the differences of using a small, imaginary square, space and the big, whole gym, space. It was great to see students being curious about how to move and where to go next, exploring the new spaces in a totally different way.

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