Host Culture Week Trip

Host Country Week takes place when many of the Grade 5 students are on a barge trip in Thailand.  It is a time for the remaining Grade 4/5 students to learn about, and celebrate Cambodian culture, by taking part in a range of activities and field trips. In the past local experts have taught Cambodian dances, cooking, shadow puppetry, mask making, and kite making.  Field trips have included visits to the Palace and Oudong  Mountain.

This year as part of the G4/5 Host Culture Week in January 2015, we are putting together an optional overnight residential trip for the students.  The main focus will be to participate in a 20-30km guided bike ride through villages, and local farms in the locality of Ang Ta Som, staying at staying the Meas Family Homestay.   It will be a great opportunity to learn more about Cambodian crafts, and culture.

If your child is interested in participating we invite you to attend the G4/5 Information Afternoon Meet on Tuesday the 14th of January at 2pm

Dates to remember

Tuesday 13th January - Parents’ Meeting at 2.00pm
Monday 19th January - Payment  due to Finance Office
- Forms due to class teacher
Tuesday 27 January - Arrive at school at 7.30 with bikes and bags Wednesday 28th January - Return to ISPP; collect from school at normal time

Parent's Meeting Presentation

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